14 Jan Alacant Port of Departure delimits this Sunday an Exclusion Zone within the Restricted Navigation Zone for the Start of The Ocean Race
Alacant, Saturday 14th of January 2023.- Alicante Puerto de salida will set up an Exclusion Zone this Sunday, within the Restricted Navigation Zone, in the waters in front of the Postiguet beach, which will be in force between 12.00 and 18.00 hours this Sunday, 15th of January, to mark the start of The Ocean Race. In addition, it has established a series of recommendations for spectators on land and at sea.
Given the location of the starting area for the boats, the public wishing to follow the start from the land will find the best places to do so on the 12th Mile overhang – which will have limited access to seating -, high points such as Santa Bàrbara Castle and the Serra Grossa, as well as the Postiguet beach.
For those who are going to follow the regatta as users of the Marina Alicante and the Real Club de Regatas de Alicante, it is important to bear in mind that in the outer dock of the Port of Alicante a channel will be lined with grey ballasts for the obligatory entry and exit of the boats of the inland marinas through the land part of the harbour. In this channel it will not be possible to stop or anchor, or change direction or direction, and it will operate in this way while the buoys are in place, leaving the other channel close to Moll 14 for the exclusive use of institutional boats and the regatta organisers.
For the spectator boats of the start of the race of the Ocean Race, it is informed that inside the bay of Alicante, –and according to the disposition 10512 of the Capitania Marítima of Alicante published in the official bulletin of the province nº242 of 21/12/22–, an exclusion zone will be established, with a grey box, this exclusion zone will be limited to vessels not identified by the organisation.
The area that is suggested for them to see the start safely is at the end of the route. Therefore, if the exclusion zone is established and the wind is on the ground, you will have to go around one end of it, respecting the green bays. The big holes in the exclusion zone will be located 0.2 nm away from the participants’ established course, and it is a long enough course to find a safe position among other boats and see the spectacle, all of them equally.
Finally, for the boats that wish to accompany you in the exit of the exclusion zone, it is important to remember to consider the speed and that of other boats around, to consider the wave produced by your boat and whether it will affect another boat, especially if it is stationary and/or smaller.
When the boats pass between beacons 1 and 2, any spectator boat that intends to accompany them must respect the indications of the boats of the State Security Forces and/or the organisation. Likewise, they must consider their speed and wave and the effect it may have, and not sail in front of competitive vessels.
They must also bear in mind that the visibility of racing boats can be very limited when they reach a certain speed and cannot be expected to see them, so it is important that they do not stand in their path or in the immediate vicinity.
This measure implies that the following activities are prohibited within the Restricted Navigation Zone:
– It is forbidden to anchor unauthorised vessels. Notwithstanding the above, when, by accident or force majeure, they intend to anchor in this zone, the captain of the vessel shall notify the Servei d’Informació i Instruccions Generals a Vaixells, per a l’Ordenació del Trànsit Marítim Portuari a Alacant (STMP) of their intention on VHF channel 14, and shall comply with the instructions given to them.
– It is forbidden the navigation of vessels that do not have propulsion with sufficient power to develop a minimum speed of 6 nautical miles.
-It is forbidden to sail all types of boats with sail propulsion, beach devices such as windsurfing, paddle, canoes, kayaks, canoes and similar.
– All vessels or boats, regardless of their flag and operator, that intend to carry out tasks such as transporting passengers and spectators, collaborating with the regatta organisation, such as marshals, judges, media and press, assistants to the regatta boats, etc., must obtain an authorisation from the regatta organisers, must obtain prior authorisation from the Capitania Marítima of Alicante, by means of the corresponding administrative procedure.
– All vessels operating in the Exclusion Zone, as well as in the Restricted Navigation Zone, shall comply with the instructions of the organisation’s collaborating vessels and those of the State Security Forces, so as not to interfere with the correct development of the trials.